Are you a student in search for God?

In Tilburg there are many international students. These students do a bachelor-, master- or PhD-study and some stay in Tilburg after their study to work in The Netherlands. To give these internationals a home, the Ontmoetingskerk started a project focusing on offering hospitality. We want to welcome you in our community and hope that you can make Dutch and international friends during your stay.
Check out the website of Host Tilburg for more information.
Check out the website of Host Tilburg for more information.
Who are we here for?
We are here for anyone who is looking for God or desires God to be in his or her life. People who want to participate fully are welcome. People who have their questions or concerns about God are also welcome. You don't have to become a member immediately. You can also be a guest member or visitor. If you do not like Sunday church services with many people and stimuli, you could join a small circle. That too can help to ensure that God is in your life.
What does participating bring you?
Hanging out with other Christians is going to give you support and strength to put the love of Jesus Christ into practice in your daily life.
What are the activities?
Below you find some of the regular activities
Sunday service
Normally every sunday at 10 am. See the home page for the schedule.
Meetings for international students
Meeting each other, share a meal, discuss about life and why God should be in your life.
Activities for young adults
Regularly something is organized for the age of 18 to 35 years. Meet peers you can talk to, meet friends, and participate in fun activities.
Child activity during the morning service
The children can go to an upper room during part of the celebration to get an explanation at their level. There is also a nursery for the little ones where the children are taken care of throughout the service.
Bible studies
The bible studies are small groups that meet regularly, for example on Sunday afternoon or on an evening during the week. Contact us if you would like to attend a bible study, we have an overview of all groups.
Youth groups
For young people and young adults, there are groups that meet once every fortnight with families to eat together and talk about God.